Do Owls Eat Chickens?

Do Owls Eat Chickens

Despite being known as an animal symbolizing wisdom, owls are formidable predators and they will gladly accept chicken as a good meal. If you want to guard your flock without using extreme methods on owls, studying owls’ diet behaviors might be a very good start.

Owls Eat Chickens But Those Aren’t Their Usual Prey

With all the advantages they have, owls are one of the best hunting species you will encounter. They rank alongside notorious bird predators like hawks, falcons, vultures, eagles, and more.

As expected, they have a variety of prey. Instead of chickens, owls mainly feed on small mammals like mice and rabbits. Of course, they are more than capable of catching birds, too. Occasionally, they will catch some fish from your water body if they have the chance.

That is to say, chickens are not owls’ first choice if they have plenty of food sources. However, little chickens and chicken eggs might be right up their alley. They are small, nutritious, and unable to defend themselves.

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Kind Of Owls That Eat Chicken

Across the world, we have about 200 owl species with distinctive features and hunting behaviors. Therefore, what they prefer to eat also varies greatly.

For example, the Great Horned species is well-known for its strength and agility. The individuals have no trouble diving in and snatching prey, weighing several times more than it does. Therefore, these owls will kidnap your chickens easily if given the chance.

Another chicken lover is Snowy Owl. The size of the chicken they attack depends on their size as well, though they have been associated with attacks on humans and serious injuries.

Some farmers have experienced exceptional owls swooping into their barns and taking the hens away, which surprised them immensely.

Furthermore, owls only hunt once a day. The victim is usually headless with its body plucked off its feathers. If you find more than one of your flock gone, it might be another predator rather than an owl.

Owls Prey On Chickens At Night

Owls are all nocturnal species, so they are certainly active at night. Looking for food and hunting for prey surely are included in their activity list, and they are gifted with the ability to hunt.

  • Superior hearing can catch extremely small sounds that we and many animals might fail to detect.
  • Keen eyes are capable of spotting movements and shapes from a very far distance.
  • Quiet flight makes it very difficult for the targets to be cautious before they are swept off the ground.

Here are some tips if you want to protect the flock from the cunning hunters without hurting the owls and breaking the rules.

  • Install an electric fence: With enough voltage to give the predators sufficient shock, you can keep them away from your chickens. This obstacle works well against nearby predators too.
  • Utilize bird nets: When you drape the net over the coop, your chickens will be safe from the attackers. The holes on this kind of net are very small, so no ferocious animals can disturb the chickens, and the inside won’t be blocked from sunlight and fresh air.
  • Check the trees: Owls tend to choose high branches for roosting, so you can limit where they can perch if you keep the trees thin enough.
  • Have a schedule: Don’t leave the chickens wandering after the sun has set or they will become easy targets for the owls.

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They Don’t Regularly Feast On Whole Chickens

The owl species we have mentioned can hunt and capture a mature chicken, and they can consume the whole animal. However, they don’t typically eat that much in one go all the time.

When an owl catches a chicken, they waste no time going for the head, which is the most delicious and nutritious food for them. It is simply a smart move by them, and we expect nothing less from these mischievous hunters.

With that said, bones are the least favorite part to eat for owls. Bones are tough, and they don’t have the necessary digestive features to break them down and digest them. The same goes for feathers and any hard parts.

Most owls cannot fly freely and effortlessly with a grown chicken caught in their talons, so they opt to bring parts of the prey back to their shelter. For them, this behavior is essential to survival.

Therefore, you typically won’t see an owl hunting before night falls. If an owl is feeding on some chicken during the day, it is likely to be some leftovers from the other day.

The Takeaways

Now you know owls will eat chickens if they are hungry and presented with an opportunity, even though they might eat an entire chicken at once.

Their hunting abilities are lethal to any chickens left unprotected, so you will need to put up some defense mechanisms. Just a few simple steps and the sly owls will have to give up on your flock!

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